dimecres, 15 de juny del 2016


4, Stuart little Street
Port Aventura City
30th February 2015

Mickey Mouse avenue
Port Aventura City

Dear Sir, we are members of an organization which has collected signatures of Port Aventura's City habitants. We are writting in relation to the new motorway which a company wants to build in the land that you want to sell them.

In our view, the motorway will be a strong impact on the enviroment, so the animals and the plants will be wipe out. There wil be a lot of pollution and noise to the many vehicles that might drive along the motorway,  on the other hand, it will be very dangerous for the children who live in the area.

Most people of the city think that it is a bad idea to build the new motorway. Therefore, we hope that you can considere this.
Your faithfully,

Fuchichu west, Martis Rainforest and Masó. Representeers of the M organization.

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